18 Ekim 2018 – Freedom to Osman Kavala!

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Freedom to Osman Kavala!

Osman Kavala was detained exactly one year ago on the 18th of October, 2017. He has been held in prison for a year without any legal basis.

Osman Kavala is a defender of peace and justice and a spirit. He is one of the signatories of the Global Peace and Justice Coalition. He has been always for peace, democracy and human rights.

There has been no indictment regarding alleged accusations against him except the speculative allegations articulated the media time to time. As is seen in the similar cases it is known also by the people who put him in prison that there is no crime committed by him but the long period of imprisonment itself turns into a punishment.

Osman Kavala has been under arrest without any legal basis and through the violation of the domestic law and the international agreements signed by Turkey.

We call for an immediate end of this arbitrary attitude and emancipation of Osman Kavala.

Global Peace and Justice Coalition

18 October 2018

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